Advancement of Inspection Techniques / Technologies as a part of Bridge Management Systems - PIARC Technical Report

New techniques and technologies are constantly emerging and changing that affect our lives in many ways.For example, advances in communication via online tools enable us to do our work even in times of a pandemic.
When it comes to bridge inspection as part of a holistic bridge management system, new tools resulting from technological advancements allow engineers to improve their work by getting a better picture of the current condition of a bridge. Innovative inspection techniques and technologies are appropriate for modern asset management where information is needed as soon as possible and in large quantity to efficiently manage an aging bridge stock.
These new and innovative techniques and technologies have been proven to offer better solutions than what has been previously available. They provide all the necessary information to support regular maintenance of a bridge and to justify rehabilitation, when needed. It is also worth noting that traditional methods have worked generally well for the basic function of bridge inspection. However, they include limitations that often required labor intensive activities or traffic restrictions that currently pose challenges to the surrounding built and natural environments.
This technical report provides a compilation of innovative and advanced techniques and technologies for bridge inspection gathered from 14 different countries in Europe, North America, and Asia. The information from the respective countries was collected through systematic survey forms and questionnaires as well as related case studies. The responses were analyzed and categorized by inspection area, function, and components of a bridge. Therefore, it gives an insight perspective of inspection techniques and methods that are used by the asset owners and operators to better manage their bridge stock. The adaptability of bridge inspection to the current challenges of climate change is also addressed in this report.
The focus of the report is on modern techniques and technologies which should not be considered as unique solutions but as alternatives and complementary to traditional ones. It is the expectation of the working group that this technical report will disseminate a useful and up-to-date source for anyone charged with the task to inspect and assess bridge infrastructure.
Information sheet
- Date: 2023
- Type: 2023R19EN - Technical Report
- PIARC Ref.: 2023R19EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-791-5
- Number of pages: 200